Friday, 3 August 2012

Welcome Us In Your Life.

•Why the name?
The name that would sounds pretty bold and flashy to everyone doesn’t actually depict the infamous slang ‘Maa-behen’ but two different words with distinctive definitions, Maa and Behen!
It indeed holds some kind of candour in it.
Vision is what goes beyond the name.
Once upon a time, these words were only used to address our mothers and sisters, but today there has been a miserable makeover to the meaning of it.
The dignity of which has been tossed into the air and has been played by hundreds who have eventually made the respect of a woman go down in ruins. 

Who are we?
Well, we’re just a bunch of beginners trying to make a move.
All we know about ourselves is, we believe in our beliefs and that we’d never let go anything that we take up.
We feel the extremity of the need to make the society believe that the fairer sex shouldn't be treated as the vulnerable sex!
If there’s a change that we think should be culminated in the society, we need to make the society believe in the change first.
There’s nothing more challenging in someone’s life other than accepting a change, let it be for their Personality, Outlook or Morality.

Why the Project?
Because, this will be our way to say, enough said, enough tolerated, It’s our turn to raise the voice and make a move.
The project will have a two way motive.
First being the one to make the men quite aware regarding the current situation of society for women and make them feel responsible and courteous enough to make a stand for what’s right.
Second, to set off on a never ending journey that will prove to be quest towards raising the Standard of an Indian Woman!

What Will We Do?
Yes, somewhere you can call us stereotypical for raising the issue that has been on the minds and tongues of the society since the time we were just in the wombs!
But what we do is try to give an extraordinary touch to those stereotypical ways!
Social advertisements portraying the positivity that shades in through the project.
Creating a dynamic network over the internet to let Views, opinions, advice, criticism and even experiences come to light!
Taking from this 2nd August, we’ll set off on the streets to note and observe what actually spoils the filth over her character and what should be done to put an end to it.
Online campaigns to make every person aware of an initiative named, ‘Project Maa Behen’
We’ll try our best to make the project hit hard on everybody’s mind.
We do not promise to bring a revolution because there can never be a Revolution without an Awakening.
We're here to Awaken..
Project Maa Behen.


  1. its grt to hv such beginners...the change can be brought in our what exactly we need is Unity,Belief and we all need to be integral in the project..

  2. This is a great attempt! You all are doing something..which i am sure everyone thought of but dint dare to! Good going :) Let us know if we can help in any way :)

  3. Each an every men of India has to take part in this campaign if repect their mother an sister y they don't respect other mothers an sister
